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Street Address:

3 Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7PD, West Yorkshire, UK

Email 1:


Undergraduate programs


Bachelor of Arts (Hons). Three years. Specialisation in performance (classical, popular, jazz, folk), music business, film music, folk music, music production, songwriting, musical theatre, as actor-musician.


Graduate programs


Master of Arts in Music. One year. In performance, musical theatre, music direction, collaborative performance, composition for film, music production.


Diploma program


Post-graduate Diploma in Music. Ten months. In performance, composition.

Institution Notes:

This music institution, an affiliated college of the University of Leeds, was founded in 1965. Formerly known as the Leeds College of Music, it was granted its current name and status in 2020. The Conservatoire launched the United Kingdom’s first full-time jazz and popular music course in 1971 and sees its particular strengths as in jazz studies, Indian music, music technology and musical instrument technology. The degree courses are validated by the Open University. Facilities include a state-of-the-art recording studio and a computer composition and pre-production suite to cater for the advanced music technology programs. The studio is a member of the Electro-Acoustic Music Association of Great Britain. The College holds an extensive collection of instruments, including some from India and the Caribbean. The library houses the first archive for jazz and popular music in the United Kingdom. A large range of community education courses is offered to interested persons through the Access and Outreach program. A further education course is offered as well as an access course for entry to higher music education. A Saturday music school is organised for talented young musicians between the ages of 9 and 18. The Conservatoire awards the ACLCM (Associate of the City of Leeds College of Music) for both teachers and performers. It organises the annual Leeds International Music Festival as well as summer schools and weekend workshops. An active member of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen.

Last Updated:

September 2022